Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Camp McCrady - Convoy Training

Our last exercise before heading overseas. Another very early start to get to the range. While waiting to do the actual convoy exercise our group gets instructions on conducting a "Sand Table"
mission rehearsal, followed by instruction on counter-IED (Improvised Explosive Device) electronic equipment, followed by a walk through what is euphemistically called the "Petting Zoo" - a series of stations featuring different types of IEDs (victim actuated, command actuated, suicide bomber, etc.). Out last set of instructions before our convoy exercise started covered manning a checkpoint and training on searching people and vehicles. For the exercise I was the Truck Commander of the lead vehicle. We simulated encountering an IED that knocked me unconscious and injured my ear. The final exam would be the next day and we would then just have to turn in our loner weapons and clean the barracks.

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